It’s such a pain when you have lost car keys. The first thing you do is to search thoroughly. Unfortunately, you may not always find the lost car keys no matter how hard you search. In such a case, you may need a new set.

Getting a new set of car keys is not that straightforward. You will first need to determine the type of lost car keys and the kind of car you own. Replacing the lost car keys will be done as follows:

i. Start by determining the kind of keys your car uses.
ii. Determine the best method for the lost key replacement and the most suitable budget.
iii. Collect all the appropriate information you will need while replacing the car key. The information includes the car model and make and the VIN.
iv. If need be, tow your car to the location of the key replacement.
v. After everything is done, test the new keys to make sure they are working perfectly.

Who will you call when replacing your lost car keys?
The type of technology that your keys use will determine who will replace the lost keys. It is important to replace your lock or upgrade its technology if your keys have been stolen to ensure that the old keys will not work.

  1. Dealership
    They have the technology and equipment for replacing all types of keys from your manufacturer. Lost smart keys are strictly replaced at the dealership, but other keys have options.
  2. Locksmith
    Locksmiths have the capability to replace lost car keys with various degrees of technological sophistication. Bear in mind that you will give your car keys the details because this will help them know if they can help. Mobile locksmiths will usually come to your location to offer the services.
  3. Online Retailer
    Online retailers help save on the labor costs from the professionals. Rather, you purchase a replacement key fob from an online retailer. After purchase, you should do the key cut and then program the key.

Whichever you will choose while replacing your lost car keys, ensure you know the year of your car, its model, make, and the VIN. Besides, your driver’s license, car registration, or an appropriate method that confirms your ownership of the vehicle will be a mandatory requirement. You can click here if you lost your car keys and have no one to call…